Village Council

Council Member Profiles


Resident Profiles

NPC Residents

NPC Profiles

Village Council

Gazardiel Elwood

Lilia Evandrel

NPC Residents

Yulette & U'kiki

Nanami Nami

Torrid Irontongue

Aberent Vaurand

Frie Vaurand


Aria Ilyndra

Lumoh Solvei

Rivian Sellecerre

Tamashi Elritz

Naela Molkot

Gazardiel Elwood

Name: Gazardiel ElwoodRace: Midlander HyurAge: 34Nameday: 29th Sun of the 2nd Umbral MoonOccupation: Keeper of HavenwoodAddress: Lily Hills Wing 2 Room #27, 29th Ward, The Lavender Beds - Mateus

Full Profile


Gazardiel Elwood was thought to be a gifted child. Whether he actually was or not is still up for debate. He was given an opportunity to study in Sharlayan at the prestigious Studium; an opportunity countless work tirelessly for. After leaving his family and traveling to the learned nation, his instructors quickly discovered that he had little desire to study or pay attention. Gaz was more interested in making friends, playing pranks, and wandering into places most people wouldn't go. After a time Gaz left Sharlayan, his studies incomplete. Some say his conduct got him kicked out. Others say he just wandered off one day and never came back.Not much is known about what happened to him after that. He traveled the world having adventures, never seeming to settle down anywhere in particular. Years passed and he wasn't seen until after the events of the Final Days when a group of refugees came across a peculiar forest in Mor Dhona. Within the forest was a tall tower that Gazardiel had been occupying for some time, a different man than he once was. His mind had been fractured, his memories hazy. Regardless, Gaz was never one to turn away someone in need. He gave shelter to the refugees which eventually led to more coming to stay under the protection of his forest. Eventually the village of Havenwood was born, and Gaz continued to shelter all those who had nowhere else to go.Gaz had been doing something important in the forest, but he doesn't quite remember what it was. So for now he focuses on his role as Keeper of Havenwood, ensuring the village stays a safe, cozy place for all those that live there. But mysteries abound in the surrounding forests. Perhaps his new neighbors will be able to help him piece together the true origins of the forest and his responsibility within it.


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Yulette & U'kiki

Name: Yulette & U'kikiRace: Elezen & Mi'qoteAge: 35 & 31Nameday: 24th Sun of the First Astral Moon & 2nd Sun of the Fourth Umbral MoonOccupation: Community Center Receptionists


Though born in very different places, Yulette and U'kiki both found a love of archery in their youth. While U'kiki hunted with her sisters in the sands of Thanalan, Yulette practiced her aim in the Twelveswood. Around the same time as each other the two joined the grand companies to push back the Garlean threat that loomed over their homes. The Eorzean alliance brought together Yulette of the Twin Adders and U'kiki of the Immortal Flames where the two instantly became rivals. Each insisted that they were better with a bow than the other, and so they fought battle after battle together, competing for the most shots landed.Their final competition was in a battle at Ghimlyt. Yulette sustained an injury to her arm that left her unable to hold a bow any longer. U'kiki barely managed to drag her to safety, and amidst the horrors of war the two expressed their undying love for one another. U'kiki continued on with the Flames for a time, sending half of her earnings home to Yulette. Once she was able to retire from her grand company, she moved to Gridania to be with Yulette, putting down her bow for good. Needing a new way to make a living, the two of them caught wind of a new village that wasn't wary of outsiders. They packed up their things and moved to Havenwood where they found work at the newly built community center. Now the two of them stay busy handling the request board, helping around the community center, and a number of other duties.

Nanami Nami

Name: Nanami NamiRace: Dunesfolk LalafellAge: 27Nameday: 9th Sun of the Sixth Astral MoonOccupation: Village Council Secretary


Nanami knew little else beyond the work she did for a trading consortium in Ul'dah. Since she was a young girl her path had all been decided. Her natural talent for organization and business kept her securely employed, but she lacked a sense of adventure and excitement in her life. Whenever she had free time she would buy new novels filled with heroes, romance, and adventure. As time went on she longed for a different life.One day she heard a rumor of a new village that suddenly popped up in Mor Dhona. While those that spoke of it mocked the very idea, Nanami was filled with excitement. Something about it seemed like her ticket to a new life. So, she quit her job and made her way to Havenwood where her talents would land her a role as the secretary for the village council. Resident applications, business permits, and paperwork of all sorts go through her. She works hard to help keep the village working properly, then spends her more abundant free time enjoying her quaint village life. She is generally kind and courteous to those that request her services, but she has been known to get frustrated at those who can't seem to read instructions when they're so clearly written out right there.

Torrid Irontongue

Name: Torrid IrontongueRace: Highlander HyurAge: 58Nameday: 9th Sun of the 6th Umbral MoonOccupation: TavernkeepAddress: Plot 14, 4th Ward, The Lavender Beds - Mateus


Torrid was working as a chef when Ala Mhigo fell to Garlemald. His dedication to his craft was well known, and he did his best to continue his work even during the occupation. After an encounter with a Garlean officer that Torrid refused to serve, part of his tongue was cut out. He was thrown in gaol and left there until the occupation ended and his homeland liberated. Staying in Gyr Abania reminded him of a life he could no longer live, so he traveled the world tasting all sorts of local delicacies. He couldn't speak, and he couldn't taste like he once did, but it gave his life purpose. He explored culinary masterpieces that he'd never have experienced staying at home.Eventually his journey put him on a path to Havenwood. He was getting old and weary of travel. Resonating with the idea that Havenwood was made up from all cultures and peoples, he settled in the village and opened the Broadleaf Tavern underneath the community center. He enjoys doing his best to accommodate any order and to recreate flavors from across the world, however you might never know it because he only grunts and nods when receiving an order. He lives in a small room adjacent to the tavern and considers his job to be open whenever someone comes in looking for a drink or some food. Day or night, Torrid is there to play his part in the community.

Aberent Vaurand

Name: Aberent VaurandRace: Wildwood ElezenAge: 55Nameday: 11th Sun of the 6th Astral MoonOccupation: Ranger Captain


Aberent was among the first travelers to come across Silvermist Forest. When Gazardiel began traveling beyond the tower to find more people fleeing the destruction, Aberent was with him. Once a humble hunter of the Coerthan hamlet that they had fled from, Aberent made a name for himself in the early days before Havenwood existed. While he's always been a pretty easy going fellow, he takes the survival of those around him seriously. He helped feed all the early refugees once the search died down, and by the time Havenwood was established he was made Captain of the newly established Rangers.Being a hunter at heart, Aberent does his best to spend most of his time out in the forest patrolling and bringing in game for the villagers. He's been known to be somewhat lax on enforcing laws around the village. He delegates often when it comes to the occasions that they actually have to enforce a law. However, whenever there is danger threatening the village, none work harder than Captain Vaurand. He knows the forest better than most, and works closely with Keeper Elwood to keep danger far away from the village and all those within it.

Frie Vaurand

Name: Frie VaurandRace: Veena VieraAge: 31Nameday: 21st Sun of the 4th Astral MoonOccupation: Ranger


Frie Vaurand has no actual ties to Ranger Captain Aberent Vaurand, but when Frie came to Havenwood he was confused about the concept of surnames and wrote Aberent's surname as his own, it being the most recent one he heard. In fact, anyone who actually refers to Frie with the surname gets retribution from the Captain. Anyone who jokes about Frie being Aberent's long lost son is blindfolded, put onto the archery range, and shot with blunted arrows. Frie has since forgotten that the name is on his paperwork.His work as a Ranger is his whole life. Frie is full of energy and wants to spend every moment of the day protecting the village and the forest. If he isn't sleeping, he's out patrolling looking for evil to vanquish. The only time he stops is to fraternize with the women in the village. Boldly unafraid of consequences, he flirts with just about any woman that comes across his path. It's the only true distraction on his ultimate mission to be the hero of Havenwood.While he is manic and single-minded, there are aspects of himself he keeps well hidden. He refuses to talk about himself before he came to Havenwood. There is more than meets the eye when it comes to his obsession with his role as a Ranger, but to the villagers he often comes across a simple-minded boy that wants to test his swordplay against anything that might harm his home.

Lilia Evandrel

Name: Lilia EvandrelRace: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'teAge: 22Nameday: 18th Sun of the 3rd Umbral MoonOccupation: AuthorAddress: Lily Hills Room #27, 26th Ward, The Lavender Beds - Mateus

Full Profile


Lilia is a creative soul who recently moved to Havenwood with the goal of opening a bookstore café. She has a passion for arts, crafts, reading and writing. Lilia is also skilled in magic, even after losing her spark for so long. She’s a gentle, quiet, and sometimes shy person who enjoys spending time in nature, often found surrounded by flowers with her dog, Pippin, by her side. While she values her independence, Lilia is always open to making new connections and sharing her love for books and creativity with others.


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Aria Ilyndra

Name: Aria IlyndraRace: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'teAge: 28Nameday: 3rd Sun of the 1st Astral MoonOccupation: Beast TamerAddress: Lily Hills Room #49, 26th Ward, The Lavender Beds - Mateus

Full Profile


Raised by Sylphs in the wilds of the Shroud, Aria developed a deep bond with nature and a remarkable ability to communicate with and command creatures. Fiercely independent and adventurous, Aria's talents as a tamer are matched by her sharp instincts and resourcefulness. Her closest companion is Bodhi, a loyal silver fox who rarely leaves her side, embodying the trust and connection she shares with the natural world.Aria thrives on uncovering mysteries and forming bonds, whether with beasts or people. Though she can be rough around the edges, her compassion and loyalty run deep, making her a dependable ally.


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Lumoh Solvei

Name: Lumoh SolveiRace: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'teAge: 30Nameday: 21st Sun of the 2nd Astral MoonOccupation: TailorAddress: Lily Hills Room #4, 20th Ward, The Lavender Beds - Golem

Full Profile


Despite a life lived under the boughs of the southern Black Shroud, Lumoh doesn't come off as particularly rugged. On her back oft rests a shortbow rarely used, and on her face oft rests a smile that rarely wavers. After a crippling injury put an old life behind her, the woman's focus shifted- Life had always been about survival, but now, it has to be more than tooth-and-claw.She blames her daughter for most of her softness- For all of the kind words, and the laughter, and the teases passed to friend and stranger alike. The girl herself is as bright as starlight, so her mother says- A brightness worth living a new life for.


Farming+0Fine Art+0Finesse+9Fishing+0Goldsmithing+0History+0Leatherworking+7

Rivian Sellecerre

Name: Rivian SellecerreRace: Duskwight ElezenAge: 32Nameday: 27th Sun of the 4th Astral MoonOccupation: RangerAddress: Lily Hills Room #57, 14th Ward, The Lavender Beds - Coeurl


Years ago, Rivian was a troubled man who sought peace though a personal journey across Eorzea. After wandering for quite some time, Rivian decided to put down roots in Havenwood where he now helps keep the diverse community safe through his role as a Ranger.In his spare time Rivian enjoys fishing and foraging (especially for edible mushrooms). He's always willing to lend a sympathetic ear and a word of prayer for anyone going through tough times. And also his physical strength, for those in need of more practical assistance with hunting or protection.


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Tamashi Elritz

Name: Tamashi ElritzRace: Xaela Au RaAge: 32(?)Nameday: UnknownOccupation: Bard, Part-time AdventurerAddress: Plot 58, 8th Ward, The Empyreum - Balmung


From young outcast to adventurer, from adventurer to sailor, Tamashi's journey upon this star has been nothing if not twisting. Every turn upon itself became another line in the bard's song, a tale she wears as proudly as every scar across her person.These days have found a desire for a true home between wanderings. While it is unlikely her meandering days of seeing the world will end any time soon, she is happy to finally start settling down and make a home of her own. Foreign imports line her shelves, and unique finds from across her travels. With a smile on her face and a song on her lips, the right price will find unique goods to decorate your mantle next.


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Naela Molkot

Name: Naela MolkotRace: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'teAge: 34Nameday: 21st Sun of the 2nd Astral MoonOccupation: BakerAddress: N/A

Full Profile


Naela has spent the last few years as a nomadic chef. The Miq'ote following her wanderlust, always finds herself lost in forests and mountains; the chef had a knack for baking not reading a map. Constantly on the hunt for new ingredients, Naela heard of an area in Mor Dhona that grew a rather delicious rolanberry. Packing her bags and readying her trusty chocobo, Moonbeak, she headed out from the Ul'dah to enjoy the cooler weather of Mor Dhona. Upon her travels she caught wind of a village, nestled in the forest that some are able to find peace. After discovering Havenwood, Naela kept finding herself visiting and decided to finally settle down and open up shop in the quaint village.


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Farming+0Fine Art+0Finesse+0Fishing+0Goldsmithing+0History+0Leatherworking+0